d Holger 57
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Personal data - diagnosis

Personal data

Visible name: Holger 57
Ctry: Deutschland
State/Province: Hamburg
Year of birth: 1957
Age: 67
Occupation: Zahnarzt
Hobbies: Tennis, Ski, Foto, Golf
My Website:

Data at initial diagnosis

Date: 22.01.2019
Age at diagnosis: 61
PSA: 51.30
Biopsied? Yes
Gleason Score: 4 + 5 = 9
TNM-Stages: T3a

Maximum measured prostate volume

Date: 13.02.2019
PSA: 51.30
Volume in ml or cm³: 57ccm

Postoperative pathological data

Gleason Score:
See stories of:

Prostate cancer treatments

** PSA level at the start of the treatment
from to PSA** Type Clinic City
16.08.19 13.09.99 8.90 Protones + ADT RPTC München


NEM = Nutritional supplement
from to Medication Quantity / unit of time
06.02.19 Trenantone 3-Monatsspritze
03.05.19 Trenantone 3-Monatsspritze
02.08.19 Trenantone 3-Monatsspritze
20.08.19 25.09.19 Tamsusolin 0,4mg 3x p. die
20.08.19 25.09.19 Ibuprofen 600mg 3x p. die
25.09.19 09.10.19 Ibuprofen 600mg 2x p. die
25.09.19 09.10.19 Tamsusolin 0,4mg 2x p. die
05.11.19 Tamsusolin0,4mg 1x p. die
05.11.19 Trenantone 3-Monatsspritze
08.02.20 Profakt Depot 9,45 3-Monatsspritze
30.04.20 Tamsulosin 0,4mg 1x Lage 1-2 Tage
Quantity per D / M / Y etc.

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